Top Five Dorm Room Picks - Saltbox Sash

Top Five Dorm Room Picks

Hard to believe, but summer break is coming to a close and lot of kids/families are preparing for the upcoming school year. If your child is headed off to college soon, then you may be searching for a few key pieces that are functional and help their space feel more like home. Today, I'm sharing my top five dorm room picks to help them add their own unique style while keeping them organized in their new home away from home. 

jewelry box

1. Boxes: I'm a big believer in a place for everything and everything in its place so I always know where to look for items when I need them. These handmade boxes are so instrumental for keeping important items contained and at the ready such as keys, and everyday jewelry; perfect for a nightstand or shelf.

macrame wall hanging 

2. Wall Hangings: We all know most dorm rooms aren't very large and don't offer a whole lot of space for kids to express themselves. Making use of wall space is an ideal way for them to add their own personal style without sacrificing precious space. These neutral toned and handwoven wall hangings are easily hung while adding texture to those white blank walls.

picture frame

3: Picture Frames: Whether you're a picture person or not, I don't see a space as complete until a frame or two have been added. It's a way for them to solidify the space as their own, and share the people, places, and memories that are significant to them. Try adding one of our handmade frames to a desk or nightstand to finish off their room.

 smartphone dock

4: Smartphone Dock: We're living in a world where our phones are a big part of our lives and are pretty much with us all the time. However, we've all had that sinking feeling of not being able to locate our phone as we're running out the door. Our smartphone dock ensures you'll have a nifty place to rest your phone, while it charges, and a place where you can easily find it as your headed out for the day.

eyeglass rest

5. Eyeglass Rest: Very much like our phones and keys, eyeglasses/sunglasses are one of those everyday essentials that tend to get lost in the chaos of busy mornings. These hand-carved eyeglass rests provide an obvious and convenient spot to grab and go as they make their way out the door. 

We hope you enjoyed this post and wish a successful school year to all.

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